Habari! Today was definitely our toughest day yet on the job, as we've laid several layers of bricks for our interior and exterior walls....

Rained Out
Jambo everyone! Today was officially our first day of construction on the site and it was definitely an eventful one. We arrived at the...

Jambo! Today’s post will be about today and yesterday because we just got our internet access. Yesterday we woke up early at our hotel...

Take Off
Hello everyone! We know that this has been our first post in a while, so you will have to forgive us. We were extremely busy working on...

Plane Tickets
It’s time for another update! We are quickly approaching our departure and could not be more excited…or busy. This past week our team had...

Underground Update
Hi everybody! With a little more than a month until we travel to Tanzania, we are working extremely hard to get everything finalized...
The One with the Meetings
Hi everyone! It’s time for another update from the PUC Tanzania 2015 team about our last few weeks in Texas preparing for our journey to...

HornRaiser is Up!
Time for another update from your favorite 2015 PUC team that is traveling to Tanzania! And what an update it is. First, I would like to...

Excavation has Begun!
Once again, we have so many awesome updates to share! This past week we officially filmed our promotional HornRaiser video. In case you...
First Update
Hello everyone! We have been doing so much lately and so much progress is being made! Our team had a very helpful Skype call a couple of...