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HornRaiser is Up!

Time for another update from your favorite 2015 PUC team that is traveling to Tanzania! And what an update it is. First, I would like to direct your attention to the new ‘Photo Album’ tab that we have added. This is where you can find every picture that we have received from our NGO coordinator, Mohamed, of the school.

On to more exciting news, our UT based crowd-funding has launched. To watch our HornRaiser video click on this link! Check out the link, and if you would like to donate, we have some great perks available for our donors, but we only have a limited number of days it is open to take donations, so visit quickly!

Another extremely exciting update that our team has is that we have officially submitted to our contractors all of the underground work, this helps to ensure that everything below ground can be accomplished by the beginning of the rainy season, which is rapidly approaching! Our technical team will now be able to focus on the above ground super structure of the latrine itself, which is the part that we will physically be building when we arrive in Tanzania in May. While our technical team is doing that, the whole team is also currently still working on fundraising (see link above), getting our shots and medication for Tanzania, and constantly communicating with our NGO. We are all extremely excited that our project is coming along so well and that we are rapidly approaching our travel date.


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