Our Project

At the Pongwe Primary School in Tanzania there are about 70 visually impaired students currently housed there, and the number of students will continue to increase. Currently, there are about 40 visually impaired boys and 30 girls all sharing a single latrine facility. To help accommodate the current students and give them the privacy of separate gender bathrooms, we have been asked to help build a new latrine for the visually impaired girls' dormitory.

The current latrine system in place involves 8 stalls using a septic tank system. For the new latrines, we created a stall with 9 student stalls and 1 teacher stall.
The new bathrooms will be used by the girls at the school and will allow the current latrine to become a boys' only latrine. This means we are now doubling the number of stalls available, from 5 to 10, for the 910 students at Pongwe. We have also been told that our project may become a standard for many other bathrooms and projects in the country!