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Plane Tickets

It’s time for another update! We are quickly approaching our departure and could not be more excited…or busy.

This past week our team had another productive Skype call with Mohamed. We were pretty tired considering the call took place at 2 am here, but we were able to talk about the foundation construction, discuss the superstructure building techniques, and our travel itinerary. With this information we are able to meet with our advisor and work towards completing the superstructure design by the end of April.

Now, in terms of our travel. We have officially bought our plane tickets and will be leaving from Houston on May 25th and will be coming back from Tanzania on June 24th. That’s right, we will be spending a month in Tanzania and we are SO EXCITED! We cannot wait to finally meet Mohamed, the kids at the school, the community of Pongwe and to see everything that has been done for us to prepare for the superstructure!

Of course, before we get to go, there are still so many things that we need to get done. We still have to design the actual superstructure that we are going to build when we get there, we need to finish all of our paperwork for UT, and we need to finish fundraising! Yes, we are ridiculously close to our new goal of $11,000. With 4 days left all we have left to raise is $680. If you’re interested in donating, here’s the link: .

We are quickly wrapping up the rest of our semester and plans in preparation for Tanzania and could not be more excited (Also, enjoy the picture, Curtesy of Mohamed).


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