Pleasant Surprises
After yesterday's comedy of errors with plastering, the team was relieved to have a much better day.
First off, we got to sleep in a bit today! Mohamed had an urgent meeting to attend to, so we got to stay in for a couple extra hours! On the way out, he told us that he had a "pleasant surprise" in store for us before we'd leave to Pongwe for another day of work.
The team was curious to see what Mohamed had in mind for us (Except Cheralyn, who apparently "hates surprises"). Cheralyn's fears were unwarranted, though, as the surprise ended up being pretty great.
Mohamed drove us, from the same road we took to Peponi last week, to a house that he plans to lease and refurbish as a new hostel for the future volunteers! What's more, the house was right on the same spectacular beach that we had at the resort. The house itself was beautiful, and only in need of minor touch-ups. We're pretty jealous of the future PUC teams that can use this house!

The stars of the show, however, were these two gorgeous kittens.

Meanwhile, back at Pongwe Primary School, the contractors sped on ahead without us with plastering and completely finished the exterior! We decided it was best if we didn't slow them down and set to work filling in the trenches as THE PLUMBING HAS FINALLY FINISHED! It was great being productive again.

I'm going to end this blog post with the kittens again because they're too cute not to.

Mtoto wa paka: Kitten