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The PUC team had another productive day today at Pongwe Primary School! We spent the entire morning completing the tippy taps for the children, who were extremely curious as to what we were up to. They even ended up helping us out as they'd teach us new words in kiswahili.


After the tippy taps, we began to visibly slow down around lunchtime as the weather was extremely hot and the past couple of days were beginning to catch up to us. Thankfully, Mary Lou found the energy we lost to lead the way as we began to place concrete below the pipes to place them. In fact, I'm slightly suspicious that she was actually absorbing our energy.

Whether we were visibly tired or not, the teachers took notice and rescued us. Dora, one of the faculty, made us an amazing blended juice with mango, avocado, passion fruit, and orange. She also invited us to dinner at her home and to show us around Pongwe on Sunday! We are extremely excited to be shown around by one of the locals, and are honored to be invited to her home as Mohamed told us that it usually doesn't happen.


We also were brought a bucket of coconuts from the vice-principal, who cut them himself with a knife! The coconut water and meat was fantastic, and probably one of the things we'll miss the most when we come back to the US.


To end the day, Mohamed took us on a mini-tour to the coast of Tanga, where we got our first view of the Indian Ocean, historic parts of Tanga where the European colonials used to live, and monkeys!

All in all, it was a RULLY GOOD DAY.


Tafadhali Nawumba Zege: Please, can I have some concrete?

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