This morning we were pleasantly surprised to meet the district engineer that has been working with our project. Once we were done with introductions we all walked the perimeter of the school and were shocked at how much land the property encloses. The contractors for the site also came with us and took note of key locations where the school is planning to install some protective fences for the student dorms.

After our walk, we reviewed all of the plumbing and the septic tank with the engineer. He was very helpful and informative, and even told us about some interesting places to check out in Tanzania.

After our walking tour, we came back to the hostel for lunch. Around four o'clock Mohamed came back and took us for a tour of Tanga. We saw monuments from World War I and learned about Tanga's complex history. After seeing some of the historical sites, we went shopping for souveniors at the many shops around the center of Tanga.

Tonight the girls on the team were pleasantly surprised when Safia made us pizza! Apparently, the guys had conspired with her earlier and had kept us out of the kitchen while she cooked everything from scratch. It was super delicious and we were all excited and appreciative for a taste of home!

Tutaonana kesho!
Swahili Phrase of the Day:
Asanteni: Thank you everyone!