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Chicken Run



Today was a very slow day. While the contractors were working on the roof, we concentrated on all of the work we were able to do on our own. First, we examined the plumbing and tested it to be sure each pipe drained properly. Next, we examined the tippy taps and planned the finishing touches. Finally, we picked up our shovels and you guessed it did even MORE digging. Overall, we are happy to see that all of the work for the project is operating as it should and going according to schedule.



By noon, we’d finished all of our mandatory tasks and had a lot of time to kill while we waited for Mohammed. After passing the day playing cards with one of the local students, we attempted to catch a chicken. After several tiring and failed attempts, we ended our endeavor when one of our teammates slipped and hurt her ankle. Needless to say, the chickens are in for it next time!

We left the site early after discovering that all of the work left to be done for the next day and a half involved skilled labor. Tomorrow, we plan on walking the perimeter of the school campus and finally taking a walking tour of Tanga. We’ll keep y’all updated.

Lala Salama!


Kuku: Chicken

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