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Naps, Food, and Friends *Part II*

Welcome back, rafikis!

On Sunday, most of the team started their day extremely early as we woke up to see the sunrise. It was gorgeous. Nothing else needs to be said.

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After breakfast, we packed up our rooms and had one last dip in the pool or the sea before Mohamed would come to pick us up. As he said he would pick us up at 1:00, several of us ordered lunch and snoozed on the hammocks (of course) one last time. When not sleeping on the hammocks, George would take it upon himself to jump out of the pool and scare his sleeping teammates.


When we came back, we only had a couple hours of rest at the hostel before we had to prepare ourselves for dinner with Dora! Dora is one of the administrative people at Pongwe Primary School, and she generously invited us over for dinner.

We arrived at her place where we met her husband, Mr. Goodluck, a retired gardener. Mr. Goodluck and Dora gave us a tour of their beautiful home and gardens, in which they had an acre of perfectly kept garden full of fruits and vegetables of all kinds. They served us delicious Tanzanian food as we exchanged stories about our lives. Dora is such a sweet lady and we were so happy to spend quality time with her and her husband. She told us that we would always have a home with her in Tanzania. :')

At the end of the night four of us went and saw the seamstress to have some clothes made. There were so many beautiful patterns to choose from that it took a while to decide. When everything was said and done, we left with half the material there!

And thus ended probably the best break we could ask for.


Peponi: Paradise

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