Habari y'all!
Today was our first day back to work at Pongwe after a brilliant weekend off.
When we arrived at Pongwe, we were frustrated to see that the tippy taps had already started to fall apart! The majority of our morning was spent trying to fix them, and in the end we came up with an extremely creative idea to do so! The steel pedals had began to rust, so we dug a trench below where the water would pour in order to irrigate the water out to a potential garden!

Besides repairing the tippy taps, we found out that, nope, we were not done with digging. The plumber informed us that the pipes in front of the building needed to be closer, and thus we had to dig a new (shallower) trench while filling in the old one. It was hard work, especially in the direct sun, and it we had to take several breaks. The plumber, in the meantime, began to connect the pipes on the other side. When that is all done, it will be connected to the septic tank which is also coming along nicely.

Two weeks left! Toota o nana!
Kuwamangalifu: Be careful!